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Victories - Public CitizenJOIN THE MOVEMENT Get Updates Valid email is required
Publications - International Law Association - Australian BranchThe Australian Branch of the International Law Association publishes the Australian International Law Journal in collaboration with the University of Queensland School of Law.
policeassociationsa Publisher Publications - IssuuThe internationally award-winning Police Journal is the official publication of the Police Association of South Australia, which represents sworn SA police officers and cadets. The association publishes the journal quar
Biondo Creative Newsroom | Press Releases, Latest News MediaCatch up on the latest news and media releases about Biondo Creative and learn about the companies and communities we serve.
International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics EngineerInternational Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering (IJACEE) is a monthly peer-reviewed open access journal. The IJACEE publishes the research articles, review articles, short communications, letter
Dow Jones – Business Financial News, Analysis InsightDow Jones publishes the world’s most trusted business news and financial information in a variety of media. It delivers breaking news, exclusive insights, expert commentary and personal finance strategies.
(IUCr) RSS feedsThe IUCr currently publishes the following feeds in RSS 1.0 format:
Football and transfer news from the Premier League | EyefootballEyefootball publishes the latest football transfer news from the Premier League. The latest football news from all of Europe's top divisions.
Voter Registration LookupDivision of Publications publishes the following: Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly, Administrative Register, Blue Book, Open Appointments, Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennesse, and other documents f
WikiLeaksKey fingerprint 9EF0 C41A FBA5 64AA 650A 0259 9C6D CD17 283E 454C
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